Who Will Be Your “Teachers” In the Year Ahead?

by | Jan 1, 2019 | 0 comments

UPDATE (January 2021): There’s a brand new set of questions for Dec 2020/Jan 2021! Get them here: Before you kick 2020 to the curb ask these 12 Questions

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It’s a brand new day and new year. And I’m already learning. I just received an inspiring email from a coaching client who has often shared with me interesting articles, ideas, and has opened up my mind with her fabulous wisdom. This happens a lot – not just with this client but many. I learn from my clients. And yes, I am their coach and they learn from and with me too.

Teachers, guides, inspirations come in many forms. Sometimes they are invited explicitly (i.e. hiring a coach, taking a course, etc.). Other times they simply just show up and may bring a ‘teachable’ moment to you via a conversation where they say something that helps you some way: inspires new thinking; gives you clarity; offers new possibilities, and more.

To benefit from these ‘seemingly’ out-of-the-blue opportunities we have to stay open and be alert so that we can indeed notice them and learn from whomever and whatever shows up in our path. If you lean towards the more spiritual side, you will know that these moments aren’t a coincidence. Some will say they were sent to you. They are gifts. Either way, it’s up to you to be present to receive these lovely sources of guidance and wisdom.

In this year’s iteration of “12 Questions to Complete Your Year and Start Anew” – I asked in Question #3, “What did 2018 teach you” and in Question #8, “What do you need to learn in 2019 and who will be your teachers?”

In the days, weeks, months, and year ahead — I invite you to stay open to what and who might present as teachers to you? Perhaps….

  • You might explicitly engage someone for guidance – e.g. a coach, or a mentor. Or you might take a course.
  • In professional and social networking opportunities – a “teacher” might simply show up in a casual conversation and offer a thought or some guidance that could be helpful to you in some way.
  • You will connect more with others (mentors, supervisors, colleagues, direct reports, and anyone – including the janitor). Wisdom can come from anyone at any time.
  • You might find ‘teachers’ in a book, article, podcast, or even a movie or TV show.
  • You might find some wisdom in nature! Ahh, there’s a lot there if you look and pay attention.
  • You might find your guidance in community, spiritual advisors, family and friends.
  • You might even be a source of wisdom and guidance to yourself – if you stay present, open, and clear your mind when it gets ‘too busy’. Wisdom can come from within.

There will never be only one source.  There are likely countless more sources than I’ve mentioned here in this post. The key is to notice and listen. Tap into whatever is on offer to help you learn and grow yourself in the days, weeks, month, year ahead.

We’ll be asking you at the end of 2019, what did your year teach you? Remember, your year will be filled with an abundance of teachers – but only if you notice them. Stay in this question all year (daily, weekly, monthly). This will set your brain on alert to notice them when they show up.

Wishing you a happy and wonderful start to your new year ahead.

Postscript: do get in touch  if engaging a coach is on your list of potential sources for your ‘guides’ this year. You can learn a bit more here.

Eileen Chadnick (@Chadnick) is a certified coach specializing in career, executive and leadership development and a communications pro (20+ years of experience). Principal of Big Cheese Coaching and Chadnick Communications in Toronto, Eileen draws from the disciplines of positivity, neuroscience, emotional intelligence – and Conversational Intelligence®(C‐IQ®) in her work as a coach, consultant, trusted advisor, and facilitator. In addition to authoring the book, Ease: Manage Overwhelm in Times of Crazy Busy, Eileen is also a contributing leadership and careers columnist with the Globe and Mail


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