Well, I’m cutting it close. Just a few days left of January and I wanted to touch base before the statute of limitations says it’s too late to wish you a Happy New Year!
So here I am with greetings for a fabulous year ahead. On my end, I seem to have cannon-blasted out of the (2015) gate…lots on the go. I bet the same for you too. So, I’ll keep this newsletter somewhat short (of course, on that last sentence – you should NEVER believe me when I say that).
Here’s what I’ve got for you on this round: An invitation to a complimentary Webinar; a few updates, and some articles that might be of interest to you and/or others in your network. ALL of this to help you get a good start in your good/great new year! Let’s go….
INVITATION: Webinar (complimentary) on Leadership-ability.
The good folks at CPA have invited me once again to present in their Webinar series. I’ve chosen to talk about “Leadership-ability”. I do a lot of work (coaching, training, development) with leaders (emerging to senior level) and have some good tips and insights to share that may get you thinking, planning and maybe even making some tweaks to your own leadership ‘game’. The content will be relevant to both existing and future leaders.
Scheduled for Feb 26th at 12:30 ET, and no worries if this date/time doesn’t work for you because you can always tune in afterwards to the online recording if you’ve registered.