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Career Growth – What to Do If Now is Not the Time to Change Jobs

Career Growth – What to Do If Now is Not the Time to Change Jobs

This article was first published in my column at the Globe and Mail. What if you are ready for a different career challenge and want to find a new role to level up your experience but are worried now is not the time to make a big change? (Photo Courtesy of  Geralt on...

Ahh February…(Part 1)

Ahh February…(Part 1)

"Ahh February" is a Two Part Series. See "Ahh February, Part 2" for a few good ideas on keeping your 'mojo' going throughout the year, particularly getting through 'Feb and Winter blahs'. --- Here's something you may not know about me: When I was a teenager, I ran...

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Add a Little Zig Zag to Your Career

Add a Little Zig Zag to Your Career

NOTE: I wrote this article some years ago for the Globe and Mail. I realized I never posted here on this blog. Worth a read - Zig Zag is increasingly the norm for many. See original Globe Article here. Ah, the dilemmas of navigating a modern career. In the past,...

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Space and Possibility

Space and Possibility

Do you have your word or theme for 2019 yet? This is one of the questions that I ask each year in my annual iteration of 12 Questions to Complete the Year and Start Anew".  I didn't find my theme until well into the first week in January when it found me. I was...

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Who Will Be Your “Teachers” In the Year Ahead?

Who Will Be Your “Teachers” In the Year Ahead?

UPDATE (January 2021): There’s a brand new set of questions for Dec 2020/Jan 2021! Get them here: Before you kick 2020 to the curb ask these 12 Questions --- Back to Original Post.... It's a brand new day and new year. And I'm already learning. I just received an...

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12 Questions To Complete the Year and Start Anew (2018/2019)

12 Questions To Complete the Year and Start Anew (2018/2019)

***The article below was also published in the Globe and Mail. Read here*** You made it. You are here. Near the end of a year and at the cusp of a brand new one. You know what that means, right? T’is the time for my annual “12 Questions”. Time passes. Stuff happens....

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Other People Matter. A Mantra for Healthy Workplaces

Other People Matter. A Mantra for Healthy Workplaces

Note: A version of this article has also been published at the Globe and Mail. READ HERE. Some years ago, I had the opportunity to take a course with Dr. Chris (Christopher) Peterson, one of the founding pioneers of the positivity movement and a well-respected...

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