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Leaders: What if my direct reports know more than me?

Leaders: What if my direct reports know more than me?

A version of this article was also published in my column at the Globe and Mail. It can be daunting for emerging leaders to find their ‘sea legs’ in the early days of a new managing role, especially when one’s direct reports seemingly have more experience and deeper...

Got Goals? Fuel Up – Career, Leadership, Life!

Got Goals? Fuel Up – Career, Leadership, Life!

Goals…I love a good, shiny goal. When it’s the ‘right goal’, it boosts my spirits, gives me a renewed sense of purpose – and totally energizes me. I talk about goals a lot; with my career coaching and leadership coaching clients and in a variety of other contexts. For...

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Career Detours – For Good, Better, or Worse

Career Detours – For Good, Better, or Worse

This article is about career detours. The good, and sometimes not so good. How to recognize when you are on a good ‘detour’; when you might be stuck, how to find your way back? It builds on a previous article I wrote (Put Some Zig Zag Into Your Career). Takes about...

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Leadership Conversations: Build Trust or Break it?

Leadership Conversations: Build Trust or Break it?

NOTE: This article was first written for the Globe and Mail Careers, Leadership Lab. --- Ahh, that trust thing – when you have it, everything is good. Without it, so much can go wrong. It takes time to build up trust and yet only a fraction of a second to break it....

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He/She Said What!!?? 5 Communications Blunders From the Top

He/She Said What!!?? 5 Communications Blunders From the Top

Note: this article is adapted from an original post from my communications site (Chadnick Communications). We all have those moments when we have inadvertently said the wrong thing or held back and didn’t say what needed to be said. Sometimes these moments are benign....

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A Few Good Habits: “Ahh February” Part 2

A Few Good Habits: “Ahh February” Part 2

Feeling the winter blahs? Lost sight of those shiny goals from the new year? Losing 'steam'? In my last post ("Ahh February"), I shared a story about how my father taught me some valuable life lessons - notably, the importance of pacing. The context was related to...

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