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12 Reflection Questions to Complete 2023 and Get Ready for 2024

12 Reflection Questions to Complete 2023 and Get Ready for 2024

A version of this article was also published at the Globe and Mail. See the Globe and Mail version here.  VIDEOS: Eileen Chadnick kicks off her 12th annual tradition of offering 12 reflection questions and share a little bit personally too. AND – hear about why “Ta...

How to Stay Grounded Amidst the Chaos of Covid 19

How to Stay Grounded Amidst the Chaos of Covid 19

A Series to Help You Navigate Leadership, Work, Life in today's climate of chaotic disruption and unknowns - aka, Covid 19. TODAY'S TOPIC: If you've never worked from home... (Pixabay) In a world that keeps changing it’s hard to imagine we haven’t yet seen it all....

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Leaders – Are Your People Overwhelmed?

Leaders – Are Your People Overwhelmed?

***Want to see the video version of this blog article? See it here!*** As a leader, how would you handle this situation? A manager writes to the Globe and Mail's Career "nine to five" column: A direct report frequently displays strong emotions in the workplace....

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Start Your Year Right With This One Powerful Question

Start Your Year Right With This One Powerful Question

UPDATE (December 10, 2020) -- a brand new set of 12 questions are coming sooooon! Want in? Make sure to check back at my website -- or better yet, sign up for my newsletter and get them delivered right to  your inbox. You'll be first in the queue to get them.  --- Now...

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Vision 2020: 12 Questions to Look Back & Plan Ahead

Vision 2020: 12 Questions to Look Back & Plan Ahead

UPDATE: There's a brand new set of questions for Dec 2020/Jan 2021! Get them here: Before you kick 2020 to the curb ask these 12 Questions --- Now back to original post for Dec 2019: a version of this article is also now published at the Globe and Mail.  Wow. Another...

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Take a Gratitude Tour

Take a Gratitude Tour

In the spirit of Canadian Thanksgiving, this post is dedicated to all my lovely clients who help me grow and learn right along with them!  A young leader whom I’d been working with on career exploration just landed a job offer (hurrah!)....

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The Myth of “Yes”

The Myth of “Yes”

A version of this article has also been published at the Globe and Mail. We're back to the busy season! Are you back to juggling giant loads? Feeling overwhelmed? Managing busy work (and life) loads calls on many skills and notably, the skill of saying ‘no’. Do you...

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