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The Hope Index – And How to Boost it!

The Hope Index – And How to Boost it!

**VIDEO: Eileen Talks about The Hope Index and Shares Tips!** Early in this new year, I’ve been thinking (and feeling) a lot about hope. How about you? Feeling hopeful? Hopeless? Something in between? You might say it varies and fluctuates depending on what’s going on...

Managing Virtually in Times of a Pandemic – 10 Good Ideas

Managing Virtually in Times of a Pandemic – 10 Good Ideas

Managing virtual teams isn't a new topic. But managing teams that have been thrown into a virtual working context during a pandemic - well, that's a little different. Recently, I had an opportunity to design and facilitate a workshop (delivered virtually of course) on...

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A “Spring” Take on Resilience

A “Spring” Take on Resilience

Often at this time of the year, I write about a spring-related theme that connects to our personal and professional lives. In past years I shared some 'spring forward' ideas. This year, in Toronto, spring weather was very late to come. We had snow in mid May!! But...

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How Can I Help? Support in Times of Covid 19

How Can I Help? Support in Times of Covid 19

Hello, Eileen Chadnick here.....Principal of Big Cheese Coaching. Thinking of how I can help you in these times of Covid 19... As our world continues to spin amidst the Covid 19 pandemic, we are all experiencing an unprecedented level of change, uncertainty, and...

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In Times of Coronavirus/Covid 19 (a Poem)

In Times of Coronavirus/Covid 19 (a Poem)

This is a time of tremendous difficulty and uncertainty. How are you making sense of it? Amidst all the swirly, scary circumstances, we have to find our way to navigate this new, constantly changing, 'normal' -- with strength, optimism, and a dose of humour! One of my...

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