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Leaderly Love: Getting Any? Giving Any?

Leaderly Love: Getting Any? Giving Any?

A version of this article has been published at the Globe and Mail. February, the month most often attributed to the winter blahs (aka February blahs). But it is also known for something else: The month of love! Valentines day comes and goes. But may not be everyone’s...

3 Ways to Say Thanks (at Work) Better and More Meaningfully

3 Ways to Say Thanks (at Work) Better and More Meaningfully

This article is the third in a series on expressing gratitude and appreciation at work. The ideas shared are relevant for leaders, aspiring leaders, and anyone interested in generosity and humanity at work.  See links to other articles in the series at the end of this...

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Expressing Thanks at Work: Better in Person or Text?

Expressing Thanks at Work: Better in Person or Text?

This article is part of a series on gratitude at work. The ideas shared are relevant for leaders, aspiring leaders, and anyone interested in generosity and humanity at work.  See links to other articles in the series at the end of this post (and at the blog). Is it...

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Remember The Pause

Remember The Pause

My "Word" (mantra/focus) for 2021 is "Remember The Pause". I'm sharing a personal story that helped inspire my mantra for 2021.   A couple of years ago, I wrote a post at the beginning of the year, called: "Who Will Be Your Teachers in the Year Ahead? The gist of that...

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