This article kicks off a short series on expressing gratitude and appreciation at work. The ideas shared are relevant for leaders, aspiring...
How Can I Help? Support in Times of Covid 19
Hello, Eileen Chadnick here.....Principal of Big Cheese Coaching. Thinking of how I can help you in these times of Covid 19... As our world...
How to Stay Grounded Amidst the Chaos of Covid 19
A Series to Help You Navigate Leadership, Work, Life in today's climate of chaotic disruption and unknowns - aka, Covid 19. TODAY'S TOPIC: If you've...
Take a Gratitude Tour
In the spirit of Canadian Thanksgiving, this post is dedicated to all my lovely clients who help me grow and learn right...
Leadership Conversations: Build Trust or Break it?
NOTE: This article was first written for the Globe and Mail Careers, Leadership Lab. --- Ahh, that trust thing – when you have it, everything is...
Primer: The Neuroscience of Distrust/ Trust in Conversation – Blame it on Your Brain!
Every word, phrase, interaction, or even silence can have a ripple effect for good, better, or worse.... What makes a conversation good? Not good?...
The Whys and Ways of Assertiveness (with Webinar)
This article was originally written for Charity Village who has graciously invited me back to present another webinar on May 31 at 1pm ET. The topic...
Networking: 5 Easy Ways to Break the Ice
5 Easy Ways to Bring Conversational Intelligence® to Your Professional Networking I had a coaching session with one of my clients this week. We'll...
What Do You Do When Your Boss Gets Fired?
I was recently invited to comment for an article Workopolis was doing titled: What to do when your boss gets fired. When your boss gets fired it can...
How is Your Conversational Intelligence®?
Are Your Conversations Building Trust? This week I learned that more than 10,000 people have registered for my upcoming May 25th (12:30 pm ET)...