
Big Cheese Coaching clients are emerging to senior level professionals (individuals and groups) and organizations from various sectors who want to discover, articulate and achieve a personal vision of leadership, success and fulfillment –and ultimately foster more engaging and successful work and life experiences for themselves and their teams.

Our work together is collaborative. It is about both discovery and action to put clarity, intention and focus behind meaningful goals. Sometimes the work begins by helping clients simply identify those meaningful goals.

Clients come for various reasons. Examples…

  • To support leaders (new, experienced or emerging) at various points in their careers with particular challenges, opportunities and ongoing needs
  • To inspire more effective leadership and contribution (either individually or within teams organizationally)
  • To create and retain a more engaged workforce
  • To improve communications internally and/or externally – in support of any and all of the above.
  • To re-ignite one’s ‘spark’ and ‘mojo’ in work and life
  • To put shape to a vision and a plan to make it happen (both for work and/or life)
  • To cope better with uncertainty, change, stress and increasing demands at work and/or personally
  • To create a path for one’s retirement life-stage (career, personal, other). 

Clients live and work near and far including within Canada and the U.S.

Would you like to explore the opportunity to work with me? It begins with a conversation. Get in touch – I’d be delighted to explore.

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