Eileen Chadnick

Hello! This page is a bit more of an informal introduction — you can read the ‘professional bio’ for more details here.

I’m Eileen Chadnick, ACPC, PCC,  principal of Big Cheese Coaching…credentialed coach, a two-time ICF Prism Award winner; a  professional communicator, writer and life-long learner.  I’m also author of a book called: Ease: Manage Overwhelm in Times of “Crazy Busy”

I’m known to my clients as a thinking partner, collaborator, champion. I’m earnest, professional and occasionally quirky and fun (when called for!), empathetic…and so much more.

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I write, talk, breath, walk and live the stuff that you will read about in this website and in my book, Ease : personal and professional well-being is and has always been a passion of mine. I have always lived in the question: What is it to love your life and work? I feel very blessed that my professional paths and personal life pursuits have allowed me to explore this question deeply. And I’m still at it and always will be! I love working with people and organizations who want to dive into this and other related questions as well.

Earlier in my career I taught fitness for nearly a decade. Armed with a degree in Fitness from McGill University, I was one of the first wave of fitness professional in Canada. Later on, I transitioned to the world of professional PR and communications. I worked with the leading international and Canadian PR firms and then started my own consultancy Chadnick Communications and have had the privilege of serving top brands in many sectors including financial services, consumer brands, technology, education and more.  In 2003, I added another dimension to my earlier offerings by stepping into the sphere of personal/professional development.  I became a certified coach and have since done many deep dives into the world of emotional intelligence, leadership, positive psychology, well-being — and more recently, Conversational Intelligence®  and more. For the past few years I’ve been dipping into the vast, wonderful world of neuroscience and learning (and sharing) profound insights about the brain and the implications for our performance, fulfillment and overall well-being in work and life.

Outside of my professional bio — I am into theatre, books, movies (love a good story!); cats (I speak cat in several languages) and other animals, food, fitness (I’ve been running for more than 30 years — these days more like ‘plodding), golf (but I don’t keep score!), family and friends. And so much more.

My Signature Strengths include: Gratitude, Creativity, Curiosity, Love of Learning and Honesty (really it’s true!).

You can count on me to be real. To be committed, dedicated and dependable. I am a straight shooter, easy to talk to and most importantly if we establish a connection, I will get you. I will get your issues, your dreams, your wants, your challenges.  And if we have the chance to work together you can count on me to stand with you.

Care to learn more? Please take a moment and check out:

My Professional Bio

And if you are interested in exploring further about how we might work together, please get in touch.

To your personal and professional well-being!

Eileen Chadnick, PCC, ACPC



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